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The world according to... (Ongoing)

Crackhead Barney

Legend has it that Crackhead Barney appeared sometime around January 2021, when she began dressing up in a Barney costume and harassing random people in New York. The costume was missing an eye, leading people to refer to her as "Crackhead Barney." Little else is known about her.

" I just ran into the crowd holding a baby carriage with a Black baby doll wearing a Trump mask, a bikini, and an American flag in my pussy, and started crawling around the floor in the middle of the crowd."

– Crackhead Barney in 2021, describing the Staten Island Trump rally she attended

The Juice Media

"THE JUICE MEDIA – 98.9% “genuine satire”, responsible for turning bollocks-news into socio-poetical analyses everyone can relate to and understand."

Go to their youtube channel and watch the series of 'Honest government ads.' Brilliantly funny and they make you realise just how powerless you are in this world of corrupt and self-serving politicians and corporations, then it just leaves you feeling angry.

Big Brother Watch

Headed up by the wonderfully named Silkie Carlo, Big Brother Watch watches the watchers. Everything from facial recognition to freedom of speech online to privacy laws, all get exposed here. Whatever dastardly deeds governments try to keep under wraps with regard to our personal freedoms gets brought into the light and brought to the public's attention. Knowledge is power.

Double Down News

Based in the UK but covering stories from around the world, double down news show just how uncaring the leaders of this world are to the people they are supposed to be leading. It's story after story of sickening greed, manipulation and the contempt which is shown by the mega rich of this world towards the rest of us.


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