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Brutal Black Project - The Blackest of Black

The Satanic trio behind the Brutal Black Tattoo Project are Cammy Stewart, Valerio Cancellier and Phillip 3Kreuze, a Scotsman, an Italian and a German specializing in blackwork - large scale, all black tattooing. They offer a unique experience in total opposition to contemporary tattooing practices where pain is usually minimized. The trio see getting a tattoo as a grueling process, ending up in a black mass sometimes covering the entire body from top to bottom, the face, the arms, the hands, nowhere is safe. Most people would see this as socially insane; the victims see it as a way of finally achieving the ideal image they have of themselves.


The Brutal black Project is where all other tattoos come to die, your painful 8-hour full japanese sleeve is seen as a cute little fashion statement. They only stop so that you can cry or puke or toke a spliff.

Otherwise, it's full on until it's finished.

Cammy Stewart "I'm not saying this type of tattooing is for everyone, but this concept tears apart what I feel tattooing has become: plastic, soulless, and broken down by fashion, the media, and popular culture. To me, this is a big fuck you to what most people believe tattooing to now be."


With the artists aggressively tattooing long, thick, heavy-handed lines, it’s not uncommon to see clients having their body restrained as they try to escape the unrelenting needle. Although all three artists have varying specifics, they all kind of agree "it revolves around a person testing their inner strength and mental and physical fortitude...”


Like a rite of passage, it makes pain an end in itself, inflicted in order to push the limits of the body and mind, pain is used as a way of going beyond the self.

Some people may have a hard time understanding why anyone would volunteer themselves to be put through excruciating pain, but to those willing to enter the Brutal Black Project, the experience can be life changing and the finished tattoos a badge of honour.


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