Satanic cult? Death metal band? Or a group of eastern orthodox monks who have reached the highest level of spiritual excellence? Believe it or not, these guys are monks. The most badass looking order of gangbanging god worshippers you have ever seen. If I ever get married, I want these guys to do it.

In the world of eastern orthodox religion these boys are the Dons. They aspire to a spiritual level that transcends worldly desires and a life of constant prayer. Legend has it that they have been kicking around since the 4th Century, loitering on street corners scaring kids and generally being ultra holy.
The analavos is the distinctive garment of a monk or a nun and is adorned with the instruments of the Passion of Christ. The analavos itself is sometimes itself called the "Great Schema". It drapes over the shoulders and hangs down in front and in back, with the front portion somewhat longer, and is embroidered with the instruments of the Passion and the Trisagion. The Greek form does not have a hood, the Slavic form has a hood and lappets on the shoulders, so that the garment forms a large cross covering the monk's shoulders, chest, and back.

There are too many images on the analavos to mention them all, but a few highlights are the rooster which represents the cock that crowed after Saint Peter had denied thrice his Master and Lord. The pillar represents the column to which Pilate bound Christ when he scourged him. The wreath garlanding the Cross represents the crown of thorns. The upright post and the traverse beam represent the stipes and the patibulum that formed the Cross of JC. The four spikes at the center of the Cross and the hammer beneath its base represent the nails and hammer with which they pierced his hands and feet.

The base upon which the Cross stands represents the place, which is called ‘Calvary’ or ‘Golgotha’ where they crucified Him. The skull and crossbones represent the first man Adam.

If I'd have known that you get to dress like this if you become a monk, I would have paid more attention at Sunday school.

And it's not only men who look good in this outfit, the ladies do too.
And just before we go, this post wouldn't be complete without a shout out to Saint Jonah of Kyiv....part monkey king, part Schema....
